At The Mulch Yard in Greensboro, we offer a wide variety of mulch, pine straw, sand, soil, and gravel available for pick or delivery. In this video, owner, Jeremy Campbell, explains the different kinds of mulches, how they differ, and where they work best. Read on and watch our video to learn which type of mulch will best meet your needs!
Our different kinds of mulch include:
- Double-Ground Hardwood Mulch is great on banks or areas that have water
- Pine Bark Mini-Nuggets make beautiful flower beds.
- Decorative Dyed Mulches are available in brown, red, and black.
- Cedar Mulch is made from the whole tree being ground up. They are great for dog lots because it repels fleas and ticks and has a great smell.
- Certified Playground Mulch has been ground and chipped so it has no rough edges making it safe for kids to play in. It is often used on playgrounds and in schools, daycares, churches, and even for personal use.